Latte came to the Humane Society of Greater Dayton from a partner organization we work with. When she first arrived, she had a fractured back right femur that needed immediate attention. Our veterinary team attempted to pin her leg but due to other issues the procedure was unsuccessful and her leg ultimately needed to be amputated.
Following her initial surgery Latte had additional complications. She was bleeding internally and we could not get it to stop. We rushed her to an emergency clinic where she received round-the-clock care including a blood transfusion and supportive care. She spent two days in critical care at the emergency clinic. We weren’t sure if she would survive, but we were all doing everything we could to save her life. The vet team at the emergency clinic also struggled to stop her internal bleeding, but they persisted and after two days, multiple procedures and multiple surgeries Latte was final deemed stable.
Hearing about Latte through our social media, one amazing lady named Ebbie was drawn to help her. She reached out to our shelter privately asking about Latte and the cost it took us to save her life, which due to all the emergency care was in the thousands. Without hesitation, Ebbie insisted on generously covering all of Latte’s medical costs.
After her time at the emergency clinic, Latte was transferred back to our facility where she received lots of love and care from our volunteers and staff. She continued to heal with us and as she did Ebbie continued to check in on her progress. After some time, Latte was fully healed and available for adoption. For Ebbie though, seeing Latte was love at first sight. She knew from the moment that she saw her that Latte needed to be part of her family. When Latte did become available, Ebbie was first in line with an application ready to go. She was so happy to welcome Latte into her home and we are so thankful to report that Latte is not only doing well, but she is thriving in her new forever home.