June 1, 2021

9 Reasons to Adopt a Friend with 9 Lives

By: The Humane Society of Greater Dayton

Did you know that June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month? There are so many ways we honor cats and show our appreciation every day of the year. We really don’t need a national holiday as an excuse to watch videos of cats sleeping in weird places or performing death-defying acrobatics for absolutely no reason. Watching these adorable little floofs parkour through our breakables completely unscathed helps us all understand where the myth of their 9 lives may have come from! Honestly, simply expressing our love for cats seems like any normal day for cat owners alike, but if you have not welcomed a furry little kitty cat into your home, here are 9 of the many reasons to adopt one of these cute and adorable furballs.

  1. Cats are good for your health – Ever consider that our love for cat videos was because they actually make us feel good? In fact, one study found that just by watching these feline hijinks, the viewers’ got a boost of energy and positive emotions. And that’s not the only benefit cats have on our hearts. They can also lower our stress levels, leading to a decreased risk of various heart diseases.
  2. Cats are low-maintenance pets – Regardless of your lifestyle, it’s likely a cat would fit right in! These independent fuzzballs are less prone to separation anxiety and they tolerate being home alone for longer periods of time, when compared to dogs. They’re also very easy to potty train, which means you can worry less about having to be home to take them outside. Additionally, even the most vocal kitty’s meowing can be considered quieter than having a dog. This, in combination with the fact that cats don’t require much space, make them perfect for apartment dwelling.
  3. Cats are affordable pets – Having a furry friend doesn’t have to break the bank! In general, cat food, toys, supplies, even adoption and vet fees are comparatively less expensive than those required for dogs.
  4. Cats are self-cleaning – You may have heard that cats don’t like to take baths. Well, the truth is, they just don’t need to be washed like dogs do. They already spend quite a bit of time grooming themselves, so you won’t have to!
  5. Cats have long life-spans – Losing a pet is heartbreaking, which is why it’s comforting to know cats can live up to 15 to 20 years! Just think of all the memories that can be made in that time knowing that you’ll have a friend every step of the way.
  6. Cats are entertaining – Ever get sucked into a vortex of cat videos for hours? No matter what these kitties are up to, it will add some zing to your day! Being playful – adorable! Stalking your ankles – hilarious! Knocking your knick-knacks off the shelf – exciting! Kneading your neck – you should be so lucky!
  7. Cats make great companions – Cats are known to be a more independent pet when compared to dogs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t bond with their families. Cats can be affectionate, cuddly and playful. Even if you have a busy lifestyle, you don’t have to miss out on the companionship of a pet!
  8. Cats are natural predators – Cats are excellent hunters. Their mere presence will usually be enough to scare away any rodents but they can also keep you safe from houseflies, moths and some other creepy crawlies!

Cats can teach us a lot – Part of the reason cats are so entertaining is their uniqueness. They are who they are and they don’t apologize. They’re curious about the world around them and are always learning. But, if we can learn just one thing from cats, it’s that taking good care of ourselves should be our first priority – whether it’s eating more fish, getting more rest, or stretching out in a sunny spot, we like to think cats have got it all figured out.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, photos or information regarding these stories, contact media@hsdayton.org

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