October 30, 2023

How to Keep Your Fur-babies Safe this Howl-o-ween

By: The Humane Society of Greater Dayton

Gather ’round, pet lovers, because it’s that time of year again when the leaves fall, the pumpkins light up, and the ghosts come out to play! Halloween is upon us, and while it’s a thrilling time for humans, it can be downright hair-raising for our furry friends. Don’t be scaredy-cats; we’ve got some paws-itively awesome tips to ensure your pets have a “howl” of a good time this Halloween season.

Unmasking Your Pet’s Identity: Collar, Tags, & Microchips

When witches and wizards roam the neighborhood, the last thing you want is your pet to mysteriously disappear. Make sure your fur-baby has proper identification, so they don’t vanish into thin air. Collars, ID tags, and microchips are like magical spells that can bring your lost pet back to safety. At the Humane Society of Greater Dayton, we offer microchipping for just $20 per pet! No need for a magic wand; it takes mere minutes to protect your precious companions. No appointments are needed. Simply stop in with your pet.

Prevent a Costume Catastrophe!

Is your pet ready to be a “paw-some” Halloween star? If you’re dressing up your furry friend, choose a costume that’s as comfy. Opt for loose-fitting outfits that allow your pet to move freely. Costumes that are too tight or overly complicated could lead to a fashion fright. Some pets prefer to celebrate without the costume, and that’s perfectly okay too! Remember, a simple bandana or a quick photo-op can capture the spooky spirit without making your pet batty.

Keep Candy Under Wraps!

Resist the temptation to share your Halloween candy stash with your pets. Chocolate and xylitol, a sneaky sweetener, are as sinister as any witch’s brew for our furry companions. Even candy wrappers and lollipop sticks can turn into choking hazards. Treat your pets to something special designed just for them, like a pumpkin-flavored dog biscuit for Fido or a Halloween-themed toy for your kitty to play with. Candy might make us humans smile, but a safe, pet-friendly treat will make your pets purr with delight.

Decorations: From Boo-tiful to Beastly!

Spooktacular decorations make Halloween enchanting, but they can also cause chaos in your pet’s world. Watch out for carved pumpkins, electrical cords, and plants that may be irresistible to your curious critters. A wagging tail or a playful paw could easily knock over candles, turning your home into a house of horrors. And chewing on cords or munching on decorative items can lead to a pet parade to the vet. Opt for pet-friendly decorations or keep them out of your pet’s reach. Battery-powered candles are the cat’s meow, and decorative corn can adorn your home safely.

Pet Parties: Keep the Monster Mash at a Minimum!

When the monsters and goblins start ringing your doorbell, it can be a hair-raising experience for your pets. Keep their stress levels at bay by placing them in a secure room, away from the ghoulish commotion. If the noise sends shivers down their spine, play some soothing tunes to drown out the eerie sounds of the night. Make sure to include in the room their favorite treats, toys and bedding.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, photos or information regarding these stories, contact media@hsdayton.org

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