September 19, 2018

Avoid the Stress of a Messy Pet

By: The Humane Society of Greater Dayton

Your pet may roam free in your home but let’s face it, if you have a puppy or dog you have probably spent some time running around your home cleaning up messes from wet paws or hair. Keeping your dog clean can cut back on some of these messes. Here are just a few simple ways to keep man’s best friend squeaky clean and keep some of the messes at bay in your home.

Brush them regularly

To cut down on the hair you find on your floors or on your furniture, try and brush your dog on a regular basis. By brushing, you can loosen hair and dirt from your pet. When you brush, make sure and use the proper tools, too. If your pet doesn’t like being groomed, try to use a rubber brush, which is easier on them. If your dog has a heavy undercoat, use a shedding blade to get to all of the hair below the top surface.

Bathe your dog

After a while, dogs can start to get an odor to them. To cut down on the smell of your dog, try to bathe them at least once a month. Bathe them yourself using a mild shampoo to minimize any irritations and to maintain your pet’s natural oils. If you are not comfortable bathing your dogs, take them to a groomer to freshen up and stay nice and clean.

Use proper feeding supplies

For better hygiene, feeding your dogs out of either ceramic or stainless steel bowls will keep your pets healthy. These types of bowls can be thrown into the dishwasher and can be sanitized much easier than other types. Avoid feeding your pets on carpeted areas. This can be harder to clean up and after time can leave an odor to your home.

Keep your dog entertained

If your pets are bored or not getting the exercise they need on a regular basis they can look for other ways to stay entertained. From scratching walls to chewing furniture, dogs need some outlet to get rid of their energy and if they are cooped up all day in a house they may make more of a mess than needed unless properly exercised.

Think washable

Before buying toys or bedding for your dog, think about how washable it is. Just like you, your dog prefers to lay his head on some nice clean, comfy bedding. By purchasing items that can be placed into the washer, you not only provide clean toys for your pets to play with but you also get rid of odors that can accumulate on these items.

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