August 5, 2020


By: The Humane Society of Greater Dayton

It started with a call from a concerned citizen wanting to report an animal that looked very sick at a local market. When our humane agent walked through the doors, she found a 17-year-old Midland Softshell turtle at the facility. The animal was submerged in a tank of filthy water. It was missing its front foot. Tissues from her toes were missing and the actual toe bones and nails had fallen off her feet. She was suffering and sick and needed immediate attention.

Our humane agent acted quickly and removed her from the store. Upon examination, our veterinarian determined the turtle, which we named Isabella, was suffering from life-threatening bacterial and systemic infections. She was stabilized and given the medical attention she needed. Once stronger, Isabella started her recovery. She went through hydrotherapy to learn how to swim without a front leg as well as wildlife rehabilitation to learn to catch her own food. 

After two months in our care, we were able to release Isabella to a wildlife turtle sanctuary. She has adapted well and is now living safely in a large pond with other turtles and koi fish. She got her second chance thanks to you!

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