Help Us Give Joffrey a Second Chance

Unthinkable Neglect

Earlier this month, a small, innocent kitten endured the most unimaginable of cruelty. This sweet kitten was deliberately set on fire by someone’s hateful heart. The man who did this incredibly cruel act has been indicted and is currently in jail facing one felony count of cruelty to companion animals and one misdemeanor count of arson. While the courts deal with him, we have a more pressing situation at hand – trying to save the life of the innocent kitten who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Getting the Care He Needs

On July 9th, the kitten which we named Joffrey, was brought to the Humane Society of Greater Dayton in critical condition, suffering from severe burns and large wounds. Our team immediately began round-the-clock care for him, administering pain relief, changing bandages, and performing necessary procedures to stabilize him and clean and manage his burns.

However, given the extent of his injuries, Joffrey needed specialized care. We transferred him on July 18th to to the Ohio State Veterinary Center. There, he has already undergone two surgeries to treat his large wounds and to correct his ears, which were severely burnt. Unfortunately, due to the extent of his injuries he has also developed a severe infection that is resistant to treatment. This complication has Joffrey on strong antibiotics. We expect him to be at the Ohio State Veterinary Center for at least another three weeks and expect further surgeries will be needed as we continue to try and rehabilitate this poor, innocent kitten.

The Road to Recovery has Begun!

As of August 9th, Joffrey is making steady progress under the specialized care of the Ohio State University Veterinary Center. The team is pleased with the continued healing of his main wound, which is gradually decreasing in size. While we celebrate this positive development, we’re keeping a close eye on one of his elbows that isn’t healing as expected. There’s a possibility he may require a skin graft and we’re still determining the full extent of mobility he will regain in that leg, but we’re hopeful. Additionally, the aggressive antibiotic treatment given to him to combat his severe infection is working and Joffrey is steadily improving in this area as well. We’re incredibly grateful for the ongoing support and positive energy from all of you as we navigate this journey together.

UPDATE: On the Mend

We’re thrilled to share some fantastic news about Joffrey, the brave kitten who stole your hearts with his story.

Thanks to your incredible support, Joffrey’s spirit remains unbroken and he is making amazing strides in his recovery! Despite still continually being on pain medications, antibiotics and daily bandage changes, Joffrey’s wounds are on the mend! The wounds he sustained in the fire are continuing to heal and with each passing day, he shows less discomfort. He’s a purring, cuddle-loving machine who thrives on affection from his medical team.

Plus, Joffrey’s appetite is in full swing and he is eating like a champ! He’s gobbling up his meals with enthusiasm, a sure sign his body is getting the nourishment it needs to heal.

While Joffrey’s progress is fantastic, there’s one hurdle he had to overcome. The fire tragically caused severe burns to the tissue on both of his ears. Despite the valiant efforts of his veterinary team at OSU Veterinary Center to save them, the tissues became necrotic and both of his ears had to be removed. That being said, Joffrey’s hearing remains unaffected and we like to think that his lack of ears makes him even more adorable.

As he continues to have minor procedures from time to time to make adjustments as his wounds continue to heal, we are hopeful that within a week or two we will be able to bring Joffrey back to us here in Dayton! We want to thank you all for your kind words, encouragement and support as we continue to work to save this kitten. You have each be integral to his recovery!

How You Can Help

We have had an outpouring of love and donations from all of you who have been touched by Joffrey’s story. From the bottom of hearts, THANK YOU!! Each and every one of you has helped us provide him with the best care he can get. At this point, with so much still up in the air regarding future surgeries or procedures with him, we are continuing to fundraise for his care. Any funding that may be raised that goes above and beyond his expenses will remain in our Rescue Fund, which will help the next animal who comes into our shelter through cruel or abusive circumstances. To give, simply fill out the form below.

We have also had many of you reaching out wanting to foster him while he rehabilitates or even adopt him. At this point though, we are focused solely on his recovery. When he does become available for adoption we will for sure update all of you, as we all look forward to that day where we get to celebrate him finding the loving forever home he deserves!

Support Joffrey's Care

Give Him the Second Chance He Deserves

Help us cover the medical care and expenses of Joffrey by donating today to our Rescue Fund.